
Full Version: Fans of MG44, small scenario for test!!
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If you like MG44 i have a very small (12 turns) scenario from Rev Rico that has just been updated and needs the final test to OK it for the approved list :)

Anybody intrested can post here, PM or email me! :cool:

Let me explain what this scenario is about. The stock scenario 1001_01: KG Frundsberg Counter-Attacks did not include the 9th and 116th Panzer Divisions. Both those units were used in the German counterattack in October. This scn adds them in, albeit they are not at full strength. I got their strengths from Guderians book on the 116th Pz and Dugdale's series. Also, some of the attack values have been changed. And if some of the graphics, just let me know and I'll forward you the .bmp files (they're all from the VM alt).

Honestly this isn't a battle of maneuver. It is a slugfest in the wet Holland turf. The Germans have plenty of tanks (Panthers and King Tigers) but the terrain doesn't afford much chance to move around. Plus the Brits poured artillery and air strikes on them. From what I read this battle was very WW1 like. It is short and can easily be finished in an evening. Give it a shot and beware, the smallest miscue can lead to defeat.


The Island, north of Nijmegen, October 1st 1944: Feldmarschall Model knew that the key to unhinging XXX Corps' grip on the Island was the Nijmegen Bridges. Without them the abundant supplies and reserves would dry up and completely cut off any Allied troops still on the Island. Accordingly, he ordered the 10 SS Panzer, 9th Panzer, & 116th Panzer to mount a powerful counter-attack upon the Waal bridgehead. This scenario adjusts 1001_01: KG Frundsberg Counter-Attacks to be more historically accurate by including the 116th and 9th Panzer Divisions which were a part of the attack.
I have one tester, any more out there??? :)