
Full Version: Looking for Matrix games
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Just bit the bullet and purchased the matrix program. I am looking to start up maybe 2-3 games. WF/EF, either side any scen. Let me know.

Also, i've been away from the game for a few years and last owned the EF/WF gold disks. Nothing after that. So...i've not seen any scenario since then.

[email protected]
Hi Rich,

I'll give you a game. How about "The First Attack" from West Front. Pick a side and send it to [email protected]

I'm looking for some games... would be glad to take on a WF with you
Smedley and Don...thanks for reply. I'll fire one up and send later this evening.

If you have room for one more, I have the Matrix version. I gladly play any year, any theater, any side. Send over a scenario of your choosing.


BTW.......nice to see you back Gen Z
Von Earlmann Wrote:BTW.......nice to see you back Gen Z

Thanks. Perhaps when you have room, you'll invite me to one of your lobsterman-tourneys? cheers

The Blitz has certainly changed a bit...but it seems the hard-core grogs are still plugging along. Nice to see.