
Full Version: Help needed opening Earl's new Matrix files.
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I have received and downloaded the map, org & OOB files for the new Matrix tourney into the EF folder of Matrix. When I open the file I can see the new files but when I try to open them it starts to open into a temp file and then stops asking me if I want to open, save or cancel. It does this every time I try to open them. Does anyone have an idea of what the problem maybe?


Did earl send you all 3 files in a Zipped file? If so,did you unzip the file into your EF folder?
if he sent you 3 separate files then you need to save each one using save as into your EF folder.

you then would view everything by starting EF and using the appropriate tool map editor for map OOB for the units etc.. or start the turn by opening the scenario like you always have.
Dev, we do not have the scenario file yet. I am currently trying to assign my OOB. Using the edit OOB editor has not worked and by double clinking on the org file Earl sent me I cannot open it. Any suggestions?

email it to me and I'll see what's up with it

randyp at myactv dot net
Hmmmmm problems as i prodicted.