
Full Version: Thanks Alot POS
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I for one give you a heart felt thanks for your input. Do not let anyone here get under your skin. I for one have learned alot from your play tests and food for thought.

500+ games and ladder leader at 3 different clubs/ outstanding.

Trust me when I say this you are not the only horn blower here at the Blitz myself included.

So for those giving you pot shots, I say give it a break guys. I for one would rather hear from the old hats how too set up a gun defense in North Africa or how to attack with Shermans instead of mine is bigger that yours stuff. So guy's leave POS alone and take the quif's off The Blitz.
Risnervich Wrote:500+ games and ladder leader at 3 different clubs/ outstanding.
Trust me when I say this you are not the only horn blower here at the Blitz myself included.
I for one would rather hear from the old hats how too set up a gun defense in North Africa

Monty and Patton were both arrogant strutting hornblowing personalities always convinced they were right, their men loved them for it because they're the kind of commanders who win battles.. :)
Donald Trump and Sir Alan Sugar are the same in The Apprentice, confident, straight-talking, arrogant, born leaders.
Let's face it, wimpy leaders just can't cut it whether on the battlefield or in business..