
Full Version: Award Ceremony!!!
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Bartender, please fill all the glasses!

Gentlemen, members of the fine CS Ladder! When less then year ago, we were celebrating outstanding accomplishment of our friend, some of us asked how long it would take him to complete next 100 games?

The time has come! Please let me be the first one to congratulate him!

Ed, also known as Herr Strasse Laufer has completed 900!!! games :bow:

For such great achievement is awarded Centurion Medal - Katana :thumbs_up:

We would talk hours about his achievements and work he dedicated to the Club. Let me just say three things: great opponent, scenario designer, tournament director!

Hip, hip, hurrey!!! cheers

All the best, Ed. Great to have you among us.

Simply amazing! Well done!cheers
Whow, very impressing!!! All the best, cheers

Stefan (Panther)
Ed just awsome!!!! cheers congrats sir.


Congrats to you sir!cheers

A fine opponent and a great friend!
If you ever get a chance to have a meet up with Ed in person, it's priceless :)

Congrats Ed, Can't see how you made it this far with TW hogging up your nite life these days :) but we all know you're a gamer and a HT manufacturer's dream customer!

Life is good.. here's to the next 100!


Wow... thats an amazing amount of games Ed... well done!!
Oh My Gosh! That is massive! Awesome.

When you can work me into your dance card, give me a shout. You promised.



That is incredible!!

This Club continues to exist because of your membership & leadership.

Thanks & congratulations.


Boy do I feel honored to have fought Eds 900th fight, well the beer is on me and 3 cheers to ED!
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