
Full Version: Back on the Ladder
You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. View the full version with proper formatting. official re-entry to the SB ladder was a loss (American minor def.) to DaVillan. Well played.

I just checked and to my delight found that I still have my other HPS installed after all. Which is weird because I thought I had taken them all off at one point. Anyway...I digress.

Anyone want to kick off one of those nasty Africa at War battles....pick one and send it my way! Big is ok.

[email protected]

Ah, but your Wehrmacht troops are poised for a victory against my GIs sometime this week.....

Yeah, I noticed that when we started. I probably could have played this better with the limited armor and bazooka's I've got. I was able to hold your boys off for a while, but too much armor, too much infantry. You might not get all of the objectives, but you'll get enough of them to win the day points-wise. Despite the unbalanced sides, I'm enjoying this game. Been a challenge to really try to keep your guys at a distance....