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Just posted this wish on the Matrix TOAW III forum:
Any support - thoughts about it?

Not sure this is the right forum to post this, anyway I'm a long time TOAW player I II, COAW and now III.
Each version got better, probably this is also why our wish list is growing......

One this I would really like is something as a "paint" transparant overlay on the map, ideally linked to the map and its zooming level, on which I could as "general" draw my plan. e.g Brigade/Division Boundries, lines of advance etc...all the military stuff we all know.

Should not be fancy: just able to draw what I want to do/ to be done, wipe if needed etc... could even be help in playing with multiple people : - one General drawing the intentions, line of advance etc.... the others "executing"

Any good idea?
Neat Idea, like a grease pencil map, really useful but a lot of work for little true gain?

This would be a great help for multi-player games; but couldn't it be done with a paint program, not part of the game itself? You wouldn't see the overlay in the game, but could run it in an open window, while you play, and refer to it. So, all you need to do is screen-capture the map with latest (known) dispositions; mark it in your paint program; email it to your subordinate commanders, along with Operations Order; and they then run it in a window.
Sounds like a neat idea.....maybe it's something you could do in PS6 making use of the transparency layers and a few screen shots.
