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Yah, flak is pretty good against tanks, here's a test I did a while back and there's also a discussion here-


Here, my test proves that a single German 20mm flak can immobilise a KV-1, force its crew to bail, and also damage a KV-1's gun.

1 - The flak immobilises the KV on only turn 1
2 - Confirms it really is a 20mm Flak
3 - After peppering the tank for more turns, the crew bail on turn 6
4 - In this separate test the 20mm Flak damages a KV's gun on turn 3

[Image: FlakvKV.gif]
50mm PAK ATG
[Image: pak50mm.gif]
17-pdr in Italy
[Image: 17prItaly.jpg]
50mmPak in Russia
[Image: Ruspak.jpg]
Guns get an accuracy boost if they're under the command of any officer with a combat bonus (lightning icon) and he can see target

1- The gun is out of command: hit chance 42%
2- The gun is now in command but the officer can't see the target: hit chance is still 42%
3- The officer moves forward and can now see the target: hit chance jumps up to 59%

[Image: Ldr-gun.png]

PS- The officer can be any rank, just an ordinary platoon leader will do.
There are two ratings of combat bonus, +1 and +2, the +2 gives more accuracy boost than +1. Hit Enter to see his rating.
I have always wondered if the HQ combat bonus also modifies the chances of a KO'ing shot as well as the to hit chances.
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