
Full Version: Major infantry battles?
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Would you be so kind as to suggest some scenario's that are primarily infantry contests. I played "Frozen Hell" and my opponent would like another infantry contest.

Thank you,

Pat (Montana Grizz)
try retreat to the tiger position EFII scn
You must play Huib's "A Dutch Verdun" but be sure to read the design notes regarding visibility. Excellent infantry slug match.
Great infantry battles IMHO


A Dutch Verdun
Battle Of The Outposts
The 109th Holds The Line
Cross of Lorraine
The Screaming Eagles in Normandy
The Forgotten Front
Any of the Battles in "Battles in the North" Tourney


A Knife to the Throat
The Woods are Whispering
Roads to Pabianice
If you have the Blitz add-on CD! for EFII -If there are any left they are a must for the keen CS-er- there is a plethora of excellent early war infantry battles featuring the Rumanian's fight towards and for Odessa
