
Full Version: COW vs TOAW3
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Hi Guys; Was a member here but sort of lost interest in TOAW/COW but I have been thinking of reloading the program.

Couple of questions: Are the original flavors of the game still played a lot on the ladder?

Also, is there such a difference between COW and TOAW 3 that warrents the purchase?

TOAW I and II and TWOTY aren't played much any more; but the old scenarios are playable in COW and TOAW III.

I think TOAW III is a great value, and well worth the cost. There are numerous game engine improvements. One big one is anti-aircraft guns and missiles now work as intended. Another is, the editor now allows 1000 events, instead of 500....this will start to be noticeable, when newly designed scenarios are available. Another big change is the anti-cheat code, which prevents multiple reloads and replays of the same position.Some of the battle algorithms have been tweaked;etc. It's really a major re-do. Also, there are lots of new scenarios on the CD. The CD was a class act, but even so, the first patch is already out!
Thanks. I think I will stick to my COW for now since I only played 11 games before and then shelved the game. No sense in having another new game sitting collecting dust...and I have many of them.

Just getting a little bored with SP after 350 games....yawn :-)
OK, just patch it up to 1.04.01, the patch is available here, go "tournaments", Operational Art- Mods & Patches.
TANKS man.
I am one of those old old members of the Blitz that took a long breather from wargaming to venture into a couple of MMO's (which I still do play).

I am getting the "wargamers itch" again however with the recent releases of some classics upgraded and re-released, TOAW III being one of course. I still have COW but figure buying TOAW III will be the right way for me to go.

The one thing these Matrix aquired games will have is so much less hassle trying to piece together all the user mods, patches, etc etc. not to mention multiple CD's to track...yuck. I'll be buying them just to get the latest and greatest in complete packages. The Campaign Series will really benefit from this as well.
You do go back a ways! Welcome back, and I don't think you'll be disappointed by TOAW III.