
Full Version: Michael Smith's Kusrk 43 Revised v4.0
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I thought I recalled that there was a small glitch in the v3.0 scenario in that the 150mm IGs wouldn't conduct indirect fire. I thought I read a post long ago where Michael Smith said he fixed that in v4.0. I did a small test by removing the bunker in hex 180,247, which placed the Russian infantry unit there in clear terrain and which also placed it within range of the 14ss.pzg2 15cm IG at 179,251. I moved the mot inf unit (I unfixed it) into hex 180,248. I made sure it was a unit that could "spot" for artilley, particularly the 15cm IG I just referred to. All the other divisional arty units within range were able to fire on the Russian inafantry unit, EXCEPT the 15cm IG. Is this a glitch or "working as designed"? I mean it's annoying but not a show stopper.