
Full Version: Seeking Opp in ACOW
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An unusual request, but I'm seeking out someone who is willing to take command of my position against Jason in an ACOW game.

Due to my work schedule, I can't continue the game until >?< and rather than forfeit, Jason and I have agreed that anyone interested can take over at my move.

Will send file and pword at your command.

D a/k/a "clambot" on theblitz, "Hellen" on WarfareHQ

Send it to me Clam. Hope that situation is not desperate! :-P

You know my email.

[email protected]
Thanks Heinrici....iirc, you have TOAW3?

I have a couple games in TOAW3 I need to hand off too.

Situation Normal :-)

I'd be willing to help you out with some of the TOAW3 games if you're still looking for someone to take over.

[email protected]
On the way.

Thank you Sirs.
On the way.

Thank you Sirs.
Still need a TOAW3 opp to take over against Fulcrum in Fulda Gap....

that game is at midpoint, a draw iirc with Sovs pressing, NATO holding (barely).......

i'll take it

fluidwill at yahoo dot com

should still be in your address book Clam

Hi guy !

How are you ?
If you are still ok, I'm ready for the scenario you want.

Let's drink a good beer !
Maybe is not a very accurate thread,but I'm seeking my opponent .I've lost contact with him a year ago.His nickname was Generale Anarchy.
Anyone knows what had happened with him ?