
Full Version: Looking for opponents, TS Napoleon BG
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Having a hard time finding someone for BGW, NIR, PTW...please reply.
Side, scenario unimportant.

Bob Magyar cheers
Hello, Bob

The problem in finding opponent for BG series is that most of the players has moved to HPS games...

I would give you a game but now I'm moving to my new appartment so cannot start fighting while some of my friends are waiting for their turns to be sent back.

One thing I can promise: I'll call you when I'm back in the line

Cheers cheers

Hey Bob,

I'll give you a game, I have all of the BG titles. Send me a post and we'll get one going...

OK Thunder, lets have a go at NIR, thanks for the replycheers
I have sent you an email and hope to hear back soon...

I also have all of the TS games but only one of the HPS games. If you want another TS game, either now or in the future, drop me a line.
Hey if you got room for another i desperately need a game. i just got dumped from this ladder for no games. My fault i didn't really advertise. I have all the TS games also. I like the Eye candy of the TS games over the HPS ones.

I have room for a smaller scenario. Maybe a PTW? Drop me a line and we can start.

Now all I need to do is find the most recent patches for the game...
If anyone needs a TS game, fire anything up & send it my way. You pick the side & scenario:kill:
Guy sorry , but of of you was nice enough to offer me a game. My hd died and i'm up and running again. i forgot who it was. please drop me a line so i can get you into my address book.
