
Full Version: Calling HvF... please report, over.
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Comrade Gio:

We need to try and set up some kind of workable communications asap. I've tried sending you a message using the Blitz "Private Message" option but I don't know if I did it right? Did you receive my message? Are you receiving my emails? I know you and me have an IP issue that we personally can't change but we need to try something.

Let's try and make this Blitz "Private Message" option work and if not then please send a copy of all game and plan files to every member of the Team. At least that way someone can forward your emails to me. :smoke:
Done Red. I think you received my last turn from Basson eh ? Since our direct communications are down (Allied jamming.... ?) I'll send situation reports and turns by asking some teammates to relay my messages, and maybe direct answers to you via private messages on the MB.
Maybe good ? In the meantime be sure that I receive all your orders normally.

Commander Gio:

Great news... current file received through underground commo from other Commanders. Commo cracked but not broken... over... Allied sabatoge so far unsuccessful but needs to be monitored... over. Updated battle plans in the works so stay connected and alert, over & out. :smoke: