
Full Version: Jumbo and Caseblue, where are you?
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Has anyone heard from these guys?



Caseblue has literally walked off the side of the planet. 1 month no hear, no see.

Jean Francois (Caselue) had his computer crash.
He should be back up in 4 days.

(He contacted BT from a internet cafe Tuesday)

Now Eric's MIA is mysterious........

Thanks for the info Jeepster!

Good news on Case Blue. I hope to hear from him soon. Anyone got an update on Jumbo? It's been well over a month since I've heard from him.
Well a 4 day computer crash doesnt cover the other 26 days of zero contact...Not really keeping in line with club etiquette..I would suggest a stint as a He111 nose gunner

Sorry for this silence but in France when your computer is out of order this is complex to find a solution.

Now this is good but ready to play again.