
Full Version: TOAW3 - Scenario Recommendations?
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Halfway through the tutorials and through the manual, I think I am about ready to jump into the deep end and try a PBEM. However, I am sort of overwhelmed by the many scenarios offered on the TOAW3 disk. Would anyone care to recommend something of moderate size (not too tiny, so I have some units to move around, but not too big either, so I can manage) and length (10-20 turns would be ideal I believe), which gives a challenge to both sides? Preferably WW2 Western Front or Med, but it's no must.

Thanks! :smoke:
Try something like France 40 (either side) - its about 18 turns, the map isnt to big and there are a few units to move.

I`ll play you if you want
I had an eye on this one already. :smoke:

Would you play the Allied side? :rolleyes:

I would play Allies !

Fire it up - I await your first turn !

Very good, I shall do so tomorrow night. :smoke:

More scenario recommendations still welcome. :)
I'd recommend Market Garden, ModA as a nice learner...not too large, but interesting, and it has airborne operations, at least, for the Allies! To download it, go "tournaments", "TOAW-Mods & Patches", and there it is!

On the CD, the classic, Korea 50-51, is a good learner, and not too big.
Currahee--thanks, I will check out Market-Garden. :)

Antoni--turn sent! If you don't get it, holler. I hope I did everything right. :rolleyes:
That`s a good shout by Currahee !.

That file was fine & has been returned !
Well, my second ever PBEM turn of TOAW ... it took me over an hour (!!) to do. In spite of this being a rather smallish scenario, I am given to understand. At the moment I am feeling simply overwhelmed by the many unit counters and the masses of options available for each single one of them. I have played Panzer Campaigns and there you can either move and/or shoot or else dig instead, but that's about it ... and there is only a single turn per turn. I have read a good number of articles on the concept of getting several phases out of a single turn, but in practice it still escapes me. On T1 I managed but one phase. Now on T2 I did get two, but that seems my limit. And it seems I can't grasp the combat results. On one occasion, I pushed all enemy counters out of a town, but instead of seeing my own boys move into it, another enemy unit walked back into the just vacated city! And btw why can units retreat through ZOC's after a lost melee? :rolleyes:

A lot to learn. And now I just got back my opponent's turn within 15 minutes from sending it--the same turn that took me an our to do. Cry
T3 - I managed 3 phases in this turn, or even 4, but it's still mostly good luck when that happens, not actual planning on my part ... :rolleyes:

I still don't understand why enemy units retreat the way they do--often right into my lines, if there's a gap, rather than away from me. It seems to actually take out an enemy unit it must be entirely surrounded? Eek

Anyway, we're slowly crawling closer to Paris ... the Hague has fallen last turn, Holland has surrendered, and now we've occupied Bruxelles and cut off a part of the Belgian army. Also broken through parts of the Maginot Line, Sedan has fallen, too. Beating up the poor Belgians doesn't seem much of a problem--thanks to Antoni for accepting the depressing duty of leading them--but mastering the game system sure is! :hissy:
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